Stories from the pilot programme in Zambia
BGFA has not yet generated any own impacts, but the decision to expand the concept into Burkina Faso, Liberia, Mozambique and Uganda builds on the experiences of the pilot programme Beyond the Grid Fund for Zambia (BGFZ) and early positive experiences in terms of rural and peri-urban customers’ interest in buying affordable off-grid energy service connections, mobilised private capital and strong social and gender outcomes.
Impact stories

Cecelia & Godfrey Miti:
A mini-grid for Ngwerere
How a mini-grid is changing the lives of Cecelia, Godfrey and the rest of their community in Ngwerere, on the edge of Lusaka.
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Steven Miyoba:
Flexible payments for solar lighting
How off-grid solutions have made a positive impact on Steven’s family life on the outskirts of Lusaka.
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Lister Sithole & Kennedy Matabula:
Agent of impact
How the Beyond the Grid Fund for Zambia has brought new opportunities and optimism to Lister and Kennedy in a rural community in Chongwe, east of the Zambian capital of ...
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