Steven Miyoba:
Flexible payments for solar lighting
Steven Miyoba is a taxi driver, living near Lusaka with his wife Faustina and his daughter Bridget. Despite living in an area near the capital that has been earmarked for grid expansion, Steven says it will be a number of years before the grid will arrive to his house.
Off-grid solutions have made a positive impact on all areas of his life – including his finances, as Fenix’s ReadyPay system is substantially cheaper than traditional lighting methods.
Thanks to the clean, safe lighting provided by the system, the family now spend more time reading together at night. They can also charge their phones at home – something they used to pay neighbours to do for them.
“Before it would be dark at 6pm and we didn’t have any lighting. Now, we have a trusted brand that even my daughter knows how to use.”
Steven Miyoba
Taxi driver, near Lusaka
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