Who Can Apply

Private off-grid energy service companies interested in expanding their business in BGFA countries and areas can apply for funding. Below an overview of the Pre-Qualification eligibility criteria and requirements. For a full description, please see the Pre-Qualification Guidelines.


The current BGFA target countries are:







<i>Who Can</i> Apply
Target applicants

BGFA is targeted at incentivising private off-grid energy companies to accelerate the access to modern, clean, affordable and sustainable energy. Both an individual Energy Service Provider and a Project Consortium, if lead by the Lead Applicant, can apply for funding.

Applicants/Lead Applicants should be legally incorporated and included in the register of for-profit companies in the Project Country or commit to being incorporated and registered as such before signing a possible contract. Applicants/Lead Applicants should further be in compliance with all tax, regulatory and legal frameworks in both their home country and the Project Country (if different).

Applicants/Lead Applicants are allowed to include non-profit entities, public institutions, community-based organisations or other non-commercial entities to take part in the project implementation as Significant Sub-Contractors, Project Partners or Consortium Members.

Target project types/technologies

BGFA can only support off-grid energy companies’ provision of renewable energy services and solutions and the focus is on supporting electricity generating technologies.

Project proposals using non-renewable technologies as back-up generation capacity only (e.g. diesel) are eligible for funding, but strong preference will be given to projects with the highest share of renewable energy.

Applicants/Lead Applicants selected for contract negotiation will be required to demonstrate that any proposed biomass, bio-ethanol and/or biogas solutions are not likely to lead to deforestation or other forms of ecological degradation and do not have material negative impacts on protected areas and biodiversity.

Cooking solutions can form part of possible productive use services. Please note, however, that cooking solutions based only on the use of dry biomass or non-renewable energy solutions are not eligible.

For the generation of electricity, the proposed project should use one or more of the technologies listed below (as relevant for the specific Funding Lot applied for).

Solar photovoltaic






Environment, social and gender aspects

BGFA supports the expanded use of clean, modern and renewable energy services and solutions. The BGFA programme generally recognises the environmental challenges facing energy companies when dealing with end of life off-grid solar products, especially as regards ensuring proper collection and recycling of waste. Effective policies, regulation and the physical infrastructure to manage e-waste are lacking in many countries. BGFA will require that companies meet certain minimum e-waste policy requirements. Contracted energy companies will be required to develop a recycling partnership plan within one year of the signing of a possible contract.

Applicants/Lead Applicants are required to offer equal opportunities for men and women. This will be assessed based on the Applicants’/Lead Applicants’ present organisational governance (such as gender-balanced representation at all hierarchical levels and equality of pay) as well as the inclusion of gender considerations in applications submitted during the Final Application stage. Contracted energy companies will be required to develop a company gender policy and a gender action plan, including a marketing/awareness-raising strategy and potential productive use of energy plan for women, as relevant to the proposed project.



Questions and answers

For questions related to the on-line application tool and how to submit applications, please visit the SmartMe Intake system’s Support section for guidance.

For questions related to the Call for Proposals, Applicants are kindly invited to post those only via the SmartME Intake system’s Support section as specified in the Guidelines.

All questions and answers related to the Call for Proposals will be provided in a redacted form and at the same time to all Applicants via the SmartME Intake system’s Support section as specified in the Guidelines.

